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It’s difficult  to  imagine any building  huger  or more  lovely  than Angkor Wat, but at Angkor Thom the sum of the parts add up to a  greater whole. There are  the gates that grab you initially, flanked with a monumental representation of the Churning of the Ocean of Milk, 54 demons and 54 gods engaged in an  grand  tug of war on the  causeway.  Each gate (North, South, East, West and Victory) towers above the visitor, the  magnanimous faces of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara staring out over the kingdom. Imagine  being a peasant in the 13th century approaching the forbidding capital for the first time? It would have been  an awe-inspiringbut  unsettling experience to come in  such a gateway and come  face to face with the divine power of the god-kings.

The end beautiful capital of the Khmer empire, Angkor Thom – set over 10 sq km – took monumental to a whole new level.  Built in part as a reaction to the surprise sacking of Angkor by the Chams, Jayavarman VII (r 1181–1219)  decided that his empire would never again be  vulnerable at home. Beyond the  formidable walls is a vast   moat that would have ended  all but the  hardiest invaders in their tracks.


If you have one day,  hit Ta Prohm at dawn and  explore the  distinctive tropical forest  temple  while it’s still peaceful . From this view  continue to Angkor Wat around 8am and enjoy the post-sunrise quiet to  explore this great  temple. In the afternoon, discover  the temples within the walled city of Angkor Thom and the beauty of the Bayon in the late-afternoon light.

If you have three days, follow up the first action-packed day by beating the tourists to beautiful Banteay Srei, with a quick stop at Preah Khan along the way. Then make your way to the River of a Thousand Lingas at Kbal Spean. On the final day, head out to the Roluos area and then on to the large jungle temple of Beng Mealea.

For those with a week, continue the three-day itinerary with a visit to the remote temple of Koh Ker. For a change of pace, take a boat to the watery village of Kompong Pluk.

Tickets & Guides

The ticket booth (1-day/3-day/1-week tourist pass US$20/40/60, children under 12 free;  5am-5.30pm) is on the road from Siem Reap to Angkor. Tickets issued after 5pm (for sunset viewing) are available  the next day. Tickets are not valid for Phnom Kulen or Beng Mealea. Get caught ticketless in a temple and you’ll be fined US$100. The Khmer Angkor Tour Guide Association ( 063-964347; can arrange certified tour guides in 10 languages (US$25 to US$50 a day).


All the main  temples have some sort of nourishment near the entrance. The most extensive selection of restaurants is opposite the entrance to Angkor Wat. Some excellent Khmer restaurants line the northern shore of Sra Srang.

Bicycles are a great way to get to and around the temples, which are linked by flat roads in good shape. Various guesthouses and hotels rent out White Bicycles (; per day US$2) and proceeds go to local development projects.

Motos are a popular form of transport around the temples (around US$10 per day, more for distant sites). Drivers accost tourists  from the moment they enter  Siem Reap, but they’re often very kind and knowledgeable .

Remorks (around US$15 a day, more for far  sites) take a little longer than motos but offer protection from the rain and sun. Even more protection is offered by cars (about US$30 a day, more for distant sites), even though  these tend to isolate you from the sights, sounds and smells.
Hiring a car to more remote sites will cost about US$50 to Kbal Spean and Banteay Srei, and about US$70 to Beng Mealea.


Bayon is unique even among its cherished contemporaries. It epitomises the creative genius and inflated ego of Cambodia’s legendary king, Jayavarman VII. There are  stooped corridors, precipitous flights of stairs and, best of all, a collection of 54 Gothic towers decorated with 216 coldly smiling, large  faces of Avalokiteshvara that bear more than a passing resemblance to the great king himself.

These huge heads glare down from each  angle, exuding power and control with a hint of humanity – this was precisely the blend required to hold sway over such a large  empire, ensuring the disparate and far-flung population yielded to his magnanimous will. As you walk around, a dozen or more of the heads are visible at any one time – full-face or in profile, almost level with your eyes or staring down from on high.

 Bayon is now known to have been built by Jayavarman VII, though for many years its origins were unknown. Shrouded in dense forest , it also took scientists  some time to know  that it stands in the exact centre of the city of Angkor Thom. There is still much mystery associated with Bayon – for example  its exact function and symbolism – and this seems only appropriate for a monument whose signature is an enigmatic smiling face.

The eastward orientation of Bayon leads many people  to travel  early in the morning, preferably just after sunrise,  when the sun inches upwards, lighting face after face.  Bayon, however, looks equally  beautiful  in the late afternoon, and if you  stayuntil  the sunset you get the same effect as at sunrise, in reverse. A Japanese team is restoring  several outer areas of the temple.

About 200m northwest of Bayon, the Baphuon is a pyramidal representation of mythical Mt Meru, which marked the center of the city that existed before the construction of Angkor Thom. Restoration efforts were  disrupted by the Cambodian civil war and all records were damaged  during the Khmer Rouge years, leaving French experts with the world’s  biggest  jigsaw puzzle. On the western side, the retaining wall of the second level was fashioned – apparently in the 15th or 16th century – into a reclining Buddha 60m in length.

Terrace of Elephants HISTORICAL BUILDING
The 350m-long Terrace of Elephants – decorated with parading elephants to  both ends – served as a giant viewing stand for public ceremonies and as a base for the king’s grand audience hall. While you stand here, try to imagine the pomp and grandeur of the Khmer empire at its height, with infantry, cavalry, horse-drawn chariots and,  of course, elephants parading across the Central Square in a colourful procession, pennants and standards aloft.

Terrace of the Leper King HISTORICAL BUILDING
Just north of the Terrace of Elephants, the Terrace of the Leper King is a 7m-high platform. On top of the platform has  a nude, though sexless, statue, another of Angkor’s mysteries. Legend has it that at least  two of the Angkor kings had leprosy. It’s  likely  that it is Yama, the god of death, and that the Terrace of the Leper King housed the royal crematorium.

New in 2013, Angkor is the final  backdrop for a zip-line experience in Asia. Flight of the Gibbon Angkor (0969999101;; near Ta Nei Temple, Angkor; per person US$129; 7am-5pm) is inside the Angkor protected area and the course consists of 10 zip lines, 21 treetop platforms, four skybridges and an abseil finish. A conservation element is comprised of  the project with  a pair of gibbons released in the surrounding forest. The price includes a transfer to/from any Siem Reap hotel,  plus a lunch before or after the trip near Sra Srang.

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